Book Out Now! GymMutt Fitness 5 Easy Steps to Losing Weight!


Book Out Now! GymMutt Fitness 5 Easy Steps to Losing Weight!

After hundreds of hours, dozens of sleepless nights, and buddha patience, my iBook is now published! Working in iBooks Author was a great learning experience that was both fun and challenging. Creating interactive graphics and video for a book took my concept of what “book” means to outside the box and to something much better. Once the title is updated, it will be searchable in the iBook Store!
GymMutt Fitness 5 Easy Steps to Losing Weight
Looking forward to resuming work on the second iBook for this series!

New Year’s Resolution: 2014


For 2013, my resolution was to go back to school. Did that. Now for 2014, my NYR is to ground myself in the best version of myself and motivate. Key tool of choice to achieve this? The weights. The weight room for me is a sanctuary. By experimenting with new weight lifting techniques, stretching, and deep breathing exercises, the body inside and out become better adept to all areas of life.

For 2014, I have many goals. In addition to continuing my education, I will be:

launching my workout Youtube channel, releasing two fitness iBooks, and release two fitness apps.

The goals is to not only to grow stronger as an individual, but to better serve others. By sharing my knowledge, and reaching more people, I will be better for it.

* You could also say my NYR is also to bulk up as much as humanly possible :p For 2014 Im going to be blasting some major weight!

Get it going!